Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fitness isn't an "F-word"

Fitness Should Be Fun
Pick activities you enjoy and do them often. If you are going to do anything for an extended period of time, you must enjoy it.  If you like being outside, joining a gym may not be your best long-term fitness plan. If you like to dance, it may be difficult for you to train for a marathon. Physical activity should make you feel better, stronger and enhance your life.

Mix It Up
Although doing your favorite type of exercise often is important, mixing in other formats is crucial as well. Pick one or two days of the week to try another type of fitness. There are tons to choose from now, including blends of Pilates, yoga, dance, H.I.I.T., cycling, kickboxing, and strength training. Plus, doing the same type of workout can be boring. The best way to mix-up your fitness routine is with a friend.

Most Days of the Week
The frequency of your fitness depends on your goals, what you are trying to accomplish, where you are starting and your commitment level. In other words, everyone may have a different formula for fitness, but everyone should be active most, if not all, days per week.

Levels of Activity
You should pick an activity that you can do often and at a variety of levels. Generally, there are three levels: easy (walking), moderate (jogging) or hard (running/sprinting). For example, if you enjoy walking outside, in order to improve or increase the intensity, you may need to challenge yourself by walking briskly or jogging. This is especially true when you don’t have as much time. Even 10 minutes of exercise can be beneficial to your health and have lasting short-term and long-term benefits.

Be Safe
The benefits of fitness far outweigh the possible issues. In rare cases, problems can arise. Prevent these issues by consulting your doctor before you begin a fitness routine. Warm-up and cool-down for 5-10 minutes. An example of a warm-up or cool-down activity is one you plan to do in your fitness routine but at a lower intensity/heart rate. Gradually increase time and level of activity. Drink plenty of water before, during and after being active. Wear clothes and shoes that fit well, are comfortable and keep you dry.

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